Course features

  • 2 CEUs

    2 hours NCCAOM, ABORM and CAB Category 1 approved; NCCAOM provider number: 9192; CAB provider number: 1704

  • Prep for ABORM

    This course is an excellent primer for the ABORM exam.

  • Stream on demand

    Course was previously recorded and may be streamed on demand.

Course description

Infertility in people with sperm accounts for up to 50% of infertility cases. Acupuncture may be able to help, but accurate diagnosis is critical. In this course, learn how to assess infertility in people with sperm in EAM. Learn what information is needed, develop interviewing skills, review biomedical test results like sperm analysis and blood work, and accurately diagnose the EAM pattern(s) contributing to the poor sperm. Identify key signs/symptoms for diagnosis and EAM pathologies contributing to or causing infertility, implement a treatment plan, and recognizing when to adjust. At the end of this course, you will be able to assess, diagnose, and treat with acupuncture.

Course curriculum

    1. Course worksheet (req'd by NCCAOM) assesses what you already know about this topic. Answer the questions below. It's ok to write "I don't know" and move on if you don't know an answer. A copy of this is available later in the course.

    1. Handouts for this section - overview

    2. Part 1

    3. Part 2

    4. Part 3

    1. Handouts for this section - assessment

    2. Part 4

    1. Handouts for this section - diagnosis

    2. Part 5

    3. Part 6

    1. Handouts for this section - treatment

    2. Part 7

    3. Part 8

About this course

  • $65.00
  • 21 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content


Lee Hullender Rubin

An expert in reproductive medicine, Dr. Lee Hullender Rubin, DA[o]M, MS, LAc, Dipl. [o]M, FABORM, is an award-winning acupuncturist, researcher, and academic. She merges her extensive experience working in hospital, IVF clinic, and private practice settings with her acupuncture and East Asian Medicine knowledge and clinical research results. NCCAOM Provider #9192; CAB Provider #1704; & ABORM Provider.

Become a fertility acupuncturist!

Learn to treat the other half of the fertility equation!